If Apache server status page http://zviretnik.eu/server-status error 403 page not found appear, the solution could be modification of .htaccess file of WordPress. Mode rewrite has to have following rule:
# Stop Processing if you see server-info or server-status
RewriteRule ^(server-info|server-status) - [L]
# The Rewrite Condition below did not work
# RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/server-status
Don’t forget, that server status is accessible mostly only from localhost. If you want to change it, you have to edit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/status.conf (Allow from localhost
In case you upgrade to Apache2, it may happen that your Gallery 3 show following error message when you try to change permission on album or photo:
Oh no! Your server needs a configuration change in order for you to hide photos! Ask your server administrator to enable mod_rewrite and set AllowOverride? FileInfo? Options to fix this.
If you have mode rewrite enabled (a2enmod rewrite
) and your virtual host directory configuration already contain “AllowOverride FileInfo Options“, than problem could be in your /etc/hosts file. The localhost entry has to have also FQDN name of your server, for example: